But she told the paper that she accidentally mixed up a winning$ 260,000 lottery ticket with the money that she handed a man who appeared to be struggling financially. 但她告诉记者,她居然不慎把26万美金的乐透彩票和钱放在一起给了这个看上去很穷困潦倒的男人。
The evolvement of the data processing mode based on the network is described and the mixed mode based on B/ S C/ S applied to the network database is shown by the example of the Electronic Ticket System of the JiuZhaigou Scenic Spot. 以数据处理结构为主线,回顾基于网络的数据处理方式的演变。并以九寨沟风景名胜区电子门票系统为例分析说明基于B/S、C/S的混合模式在网络数据库中的应用。